No Resumption Date for New Season – NNL Chairman

The Chairman of the Nigerian National League (NNL), George Aluo, has provided an update on the status of the league’s resumption, revealing that no date has been set yet.

Aluo explained that the league body is still in the planning stages and has not yet convened to finalize the details for the upcoming season.

“We hope to make it a better season. We will build on what we did last season. Nigerians have acknowledged that it went very well. So, we are going to consolidate on that. That is why we are taking our time to plan ahead of the new season,” Aluo stated.

He further mentioned that the scheduling of the league’s resumption is contingent on the upcoming Annual General Meeting (AGM), where both the league board and the clubs will come together to agree on a date.

“We have to hold our AGM, which is the annual general meeting. It is in this meeting that the league board and the clubs will agree on a date for the new season. The AGM, there is no date yet for it, but we are working hard to see how we can get a venue and date for it,” Aluo added.

The NNL Chairman’s comments suggest that while preparations are ongoing, a definitive timeline for the new season will only be established after the AGM.

The NNL saw a fantastic end to an interesting season last term where teams in the division dominated the President Federation Cup and even saw El Kanemi Warriors win the title.

If you use the quotes from this content, you legally agree to give the News credit as the source and a backlink to our story. Copyright 2024 Brila Media.


The Chairman of the Nigerian National League (NNL), George Aluo, has provided an update on the status of the league’s resumption, revealing that no date has been set yet.

Aluo explained that the league body is still in the planning stages and has not yet convened to finalize the details for the upcoming season.

“We hope to make it a better season. We will build on what we did last season. Nigerians have acknowledged that it went very well. So, we are going to consolidate on that. That is why we are taking our time to plan ahead of the new season,” Aluo stated.

He further mentioned that the scheduling of the league’s resumption is contingent on the upcoming Annual General Meeting (AGM), where both the league board and the clubs will come together to agree on a date.

“We have to hold our AGM, which is the annual general meeting. It is in this meeting that the league board and the clubs will agree on a date for the new season. The AGM, there is no date yet for it, but we are working hard to see how we can get a venue and date for it,” Aluo added.

The NNL Chairman’s comments suggest that while preparations are ongoing, a definitive timeline for the new season will only be established after the AGM.

The NNL saw a fantastic end to an interesting season last term where teams in the division dominated the President Federation Cup and even saw El Kanemi Warriors win the title.

If you use the quotes from this content, you legally agree to give the News credit as the source and a backlink to our story. Copyright 2024 Brila Media.