National boxing coach Anthony Konyegwachi is sweating seriously to make things work for Nigerian boxers.
The coach stated that he is not dettered by whatever difficulty or challenges before the team right now as he has his mind focussed on ensuring that Nigeria conquer Africa and qualify as many boxers as possible at the Africa boxing Olympic qualifying tournament slated for the 20th -29th of February in Dakar, Senegal.
Konyegwachi speaking in a chat with www.brila.net said they are training seriously to ensure that everyone comes with their best buy also wish that the ministry can come to the aid of the contingent on time to ensure that all boxers are quickly lodged and focussed on the task at hand.
“We’ve really started seriously because we want to go there to go and conquer Africa, to qualify as much boxers as we can, we have 20 boxers who are responding to training. We have three foreign based two USA based boxers and one England based who are lodged here. They are here but we are still waiting for the ministry to respond to our plea so that others can join them.”