KICKTIONARY – Top football terms fans don’t know. Watch this hilarious video!

Kicktionary – This is another Show on the BrilasportsTV, a street formatted show where the host asks football fans along the street certain football terms they might not know.

It’s basically a show to test the intelligence of fans on some basic football terms that are relatively unknown.

Follow the conversation from here and see whats happening on the streets, see what football fans are saying and imagine what their responses are through this space.

If you use the quotes from this content, you legally agree to give the News credit as the source and a backlink to our story. Copyright 2024 Brila Media.

KICKTIONARY – Top football terms fans don’t know. Watch this hilarious video!

Kicktionary – This is another Show on the BrilasportsTV, a street formatted show where the host asks football fans along the street certain football terms they might not know.

It’s basically a show to test the intelligence of fans on some basic football terms that are relatively unknown.

Follow the conversation from here and see whats happening on the streets, see what football fans are saying and imagine what their responses are through this space.

If you use the quotes from this content, you legally agree to give the News credit as the source and a backlink to our story. Copyright 2024 Brila Media.

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