Ebube Duru Joins Danish Side Sønderjyske Fodbold

Super Eagles left-back, Ebube Duru has officially signed with Danish Superliga side Sønderjyske Fodbold.

The 25 year-old former Lobi Stars defender signed a contract with the club until the summer of 2027 after weeks of trials in Southern Jutland.

Duru, who joins as a free agent, has completed all necessary formalities, including obtaining his work and residence permits.

Speaking on the signing, Sønderjyske sports director Casper Daather expressed confidence in Duru’s potential.

“We have observed Ebube Duru over a long period, and we are satisfied with what we’ve seen. He brings raw physicality, power, and determination, which looks very promising.

“However, we are also aware that there will likely be a longer adaptation period for him since it’s his first time playing football in Europe.”

“He has good raw potential, which we look forward to developing within our setup. Now that the contract and the various papers are in order, we’re eager to get started for real.”

Duru has been included the Superliga squad.

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