AC Milan legend wey be Paolo Maldini don give update after e bin test positive for coronavirus as e yarn say im believe say im don pass through the worst of am.
Maldini bin feel the first symptoms of the disease on March 5 and Milan con reveal last week say both the b4 b4 Italy international and im pikin wey be Daniel don test positive for the Virus.
But the 51-year-old now don suggest say even though say him still get some of the symptoms, i dey good position.
Maldini  wey bin kolobi  the Champions League five times and Serie A seven times bin para hit out ontop the decision to continue to dey play matches as the coronavirus situation continue to dey develop across Europe.
According to am e say dem suppose to don stop Football since before e worse so.E say to dey play for the back of doors wey dem close na  violence, for the fans and the footballers dem.