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Privacy Policy



Privacy Policy

Brila (“we” or “us”) respects your privacy and we safeguard it to the best of our ability. We do not take the security of personal information of our visitors lightly. That is why we provide this privacy policy which contains everything you need to know about how we collect information and the choices you can make about how we use such information.

How we collect Personal Information

While offering you information about business, innovation and lifestyle in Africa, you provide personal information to us sometimes directly and at other times, indirectly. For some website activities like newsletter subscription, contests, events, surveys, among others, we request you to supply personal information which we may retain for an indefinite amount of time for database preservation and in compliance with relevant laws. We may request for personally identifiable information such as your name, contact/postal addresses, e-mail address, telephone number, birthday and gender.

Use of information

There are several reasons why we collect personal information, one of which is to manage our membership/readership base, know our readers better in order to consistently improve on our content offering, notify winners of contests, distribute our newsletters, as well as ensure the security of our visitors and website. We also use information collected for future promotional use in connection with our website or other products and services offered by Brila, owner of Brila.net.

Please note that we only obtain the personal information you offer through the website. Therefore, a person can visit the website and navigate through it without giving up personal information. However, some information may be collected automatically, including network or Internet protocol address and type of browser a visitor is using (e.g., Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, Safari), the type of operating system you are using, (e.g., Mac OS or Microsoft Windows), the name of your Internet service provider (e.g., Nexus, Zuku or iPNX), type of mobile device used (e.g., Blackberry 10 OS, iOS, Android), location information, etc.

Operational Providers

As we grow our platform and enter into more partnerships, we may provide opportunity to purchase certain goods and services through our website, transactions which companies (“Operational Providers”), its partners, subsidiaries or affiliates, may handle. If you choose any service in this category, your personal information may be requested to fulfill requests or orders. To facilitate an order or request, there may be an exchange of your personal information between us and the Operational Providers. Such information received from the Operational Providers is stored in our database.

Please note that once you voluntarily submit personal information to an Operational Provider, Market Digest Nigeria will not be held responsible for what the Operational Providers does with the information supplied nor are liable for the products or services rendered by such operational providers.

Disclosing your information to other parties

Only when it is required by law do we share your personal information with companies other than Market Digest Nigeria. If there is any need to share your information with our partners and affiliates, we will disclose to everyone registered with us and offer information on how to opt out if you do not want your information shared. Details about the entity we wish to share your information with will also be supplied.

Use of Cookies and Tracking Devices

Brila.net uses cookies or other tracking devices. Cookies do not allow the Website to access personal information that you haven’t already provided. Cookies enable us to track how often visitors are visiting our website and specific pages, the number of entries in specific events, the estimated audience size for sponsors and advertisers, and user preferences. You can refuse to use cookies by turning them off in your browser. However, you have an option; you can turn off cookies but you may not be able to participate in certain surveys and contests.

Use and Collection of Information by Sponsors and Advertisers

Banner ads and other forms of advertisements published on the website may link to the websites of partners, sponsors or advertisers. These entities may independently request for personal information in order to provide advertisements about goods and services that may be of interest to users of the website. We do not take responsibility for any information you offer to these entities.

Please be informed that we also work with third-party data analytics. Some of the companies providing this use anonymous information about your visits to provide data and targeting recommendations based on which we may provide more suitable content, as well as advertisements about goods and services of interest to you.

Should you have any concern or question about this policy, please send an email to privacy@brila.net[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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